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Graceful Awakening
with Stephanie Lash
Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji

As one of the rare living Avatars, His Holiness Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji is the Pontiff of Datta Peetham Ashrama in Mysore, India. Sri Swamiji is renowned for His healing and meditation music and is considered a Divine Guide who cultivates the ancient Vedic traditions. He was born fully realised, in command of the eight Mahasiddhis and is a Guru in the Dattatreya Avadhoota lineage. Sri Swamiji honors all religions and teaches that it's possible to reach God by many paths. "It is of primary importance to attune with God through prayer, worship and the chanting of God's holy names. Then God Himself will give you good guidance," says Sri Swamiji. In the United States and all over the world, Sri Swamiji has uplifted, enlightened, and blessed thousands of individuals. His Holiness leads devotees to understand the higher meaning of life. He teaches that this body and soul should be used to grow spiritually through good thoughts, meditation, puja (ceremonial worship), Nama Sankeertana (singing and repetition of the name of God), and seva (selfless service work). For more information about Sri Swamiji, please visit
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