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Graceful Awakening
with Stephanie Lash
Monday Night Meditation
Join us for a beautiful evening filled with meditation, healing, and teachings. The entire evening is channeled and will be very personal for those who come. Experience stillness of mind and openness of heart. Bring your questions, receive your answers, release your fears, receive your healing. Become empowered; realize your dreams. It is an honor to facilitate these evenings which are based on the work of Derek O'Neill. For more information about Derek, please go to

Experience profound physical healing and clearing
Learn to access your inner guidance
Release limiting karma and unresolved issues
Accelerate your spiritual growth
Every Monday, 7:00 - 8:30pm
On Zoom
~ Exchange: Love Offering, $5 min ~
"My skeptical mind is regularly surprised by how palpable the energy is in the room on Monday nights. I know something very deep and very real is happening. I don't know what, and I don't feel like I have to know ~ It is not on the level of my mind and I am very grateful for that."
~ J. M., Massage Therapist, OR
"I attended your Angels and Ascended Masters Meditation Evening and found myself opening to Love. During the evening we focused on clearing our blocks to inner guidance. I willingly gave myself over to the process, saying, “I put myself in Your hands.” Then I released deeply, wave after wave, yawning. Along with old pain releasing, there was a quality to the energy that I didn’t recognize – light and flowing with shades of blue. I became deeply relaxed, warm, and felt part of the group.
~ S. D., Retired, OR
"Although I am a trance-medium and have been doing energy healing for almost 20 years, I was not prepared for the powerful transmission of spiritual energy I experienced the first time I attended Stephanie's Monday Night Meditation and Channeling gathering. Stephanie's "Masters" took me farther than I have ever gone before, including into my own future. During one of the "processes" (as Stephanie calls it), I experienced myself as I will be in 2 years, 10 years, and then finally during my transition into and beyond death. Dying was so peaceful, so light, just one breath, then another, and then the breath going out of my body but not coming back in. Crossing over into the spiritual realms, I was met by many angels and old friends who had already crossed over. We had a joyful reunion. Also, I laughed all day the next day after class; I even woke up laughing over nothing in particular. It's pretty amazing, given the stress I've experienced lately. Thank you, Stephanie, for providing a place--and energetic space--that supports me in my expansion. And lest anyone reading this get freaked out by this endorsement, know that the spiritual Masters never give us anything more than what is perfect for us, wherever we are on the path to becoming our true and enlightened selves.
Other than being incredibly peaceful and rejuvenating, the best thing about Stephanie's Monday Night Meditation is that there is no pressure to "join" anything or embrace any specific belief system. When I first contemplated going, I asked my Spirit Guide (who is decidedly Christian) if it was okay, and his response was, "Yes, that's fine. I'll meet you there on Monday nights."
~ J.B., Spiritual Medium, Healer, and Book Editor, OR
"I attend the weekly More Truth Meditation and Channeling gathering with Stephanie on a regular basis. On one evening, during the meditation, I became aware at one point that I COULD NOT let something negative release out of me. JUST at that moment, when I felt I did not have the focus, the power, I felt a surge of courage - like one more last push during labor while giving birth. And just then I heard a loud noise. It was Stephanie blowing air towards me from across the room. I opened my eyes and saw her across the room - smiling, and shining energy at me! It was so beautiful and amazing, and natural too! What I saw during the entire time of the meditation, while feeling very hot, was the image of my DNA strands. I was aware that there was "stuff" located in my spine, and I experienced an energy that was black in the shape of a piece of coal come out of my lower neck. Such dense negativity!! Thank you, Stephanie and Derek for helping me to pull this out of me!! I am feeling really good ~ lighter.
~ I. A., Artist, OR
"The power of the energy which is always present in the room is palpable to me, and the information and guidance for the meditations are always perfectly aligned to what seems to be going on on my journey ~ I consistently access such a deep focus (no I'm not sleeping!) that I often miss, or have no recollection of what Stephanie has said ¾ of the way through the class. I have opened my eyes numerous times to see who is near me when I feel healing hands, or feel like someone is next to me, to see no one there... I can say that very deep healing and balance takes place in that room on Monday nights. I want to thank you, Stephanie and Derek, for creating such a beautiful, loving and healing space where we all feel (I bet I can speak for anyone who’s been there!) embraced in the arms of love and acceptance… This is how the planet will be healed and come back to balance. Thank you Derek, thank you Stephanie – we are so blessed!!"
~K. W., Health Care Practitioner, OR
"Monday nights really ARE my "Church"~ My wonderful, weekly Spiritual Community Gatherings~ The perfect, nourishing re-charge to get me through the week! I realized last night when I was in the Monday gathering that I've been coming now for three months, and am feeling so integrated and comfortable with that lovely group of folks who gather... and with YOU, Stephanie, who guide us so sweetly... and the Dear Masters that join us (thank you for inviting them!). I find myself feeling so much more open to saying hello to the beautiful people in the room... I'm softening and expanding! I'm SO thankful that you offer us all this shared experience, which is so deeply and Lightly meaningful to me... to us ALL I'm sure...beyond words... Connecting with Derek's energy REALLY brings up some powerful & challenging issues within me. But then they are cleared so then I'm Free... I am amazed by the quantum growth spurts I've been having since I began coming~ You are a Delight and an Inspiration and a Friend to my Soul!"
~A. M., Office Manager, OR
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