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Graceful Awakening
with Stephanie Lash
Your Questions Answered:
Q: What is channeling?
A: Channeling is the experience of receiving energy and information from a source beyond the conscious mind. This might be from a person's Higher Self, from Angels, Ascended Masters, inner Guides and Teachers, ancestors, etc. There are several forms of channeling, which I would label "Trance Channeling", "Conscious Channeling" and "Mediumship".
Q: What is your experience with channeling?
A: I practice "Conscious Channeling". I receive information in the form of hearing, seeing and feeling Masters, Angels and people's Higher Presence, and then translate what I experience into language. My personality is involved in delivering my message, and I will tailor the language for the person or group I am channeling for. Often I will add analogies or stories to explain teachings that are coming through for people.
Q: Why do you channel?
A: Channeling is a natural and spontaneous experience for everyone at a certain point in their spiritual development. It is the same as learning to walk. When we are ready to walk we learn how. It happens that I was born with the experience of channeling from my spiritual work in past lives. So it is a natural, integrated part of my daily experience.
Q: What are Ascended Masters?
A: Ascended Masters are people like you and I who have lived on earth and through several lifetimes have learned their lessons and "mastered" this classroom. Because they have graduated, they no longer have to be reborn lifetime after lifetime. Instead they teach and coach us from the higher dimensions. A Living Master is exactly the same, only they have chosen to be born and physically available as teachers and mentors.
About Monday Night Meditation and Channeling
Q: What happens at Monday Night Meditation?
A: Please go to this page to read about our Monday Night Meditation gatherings...
Q: Do I need to have a certain religion or belief system to participate?
A: No, all you need is an open mind. Our gathering is to give you support in whatever ways you are needing support in your life. Each person receives what they need.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: I ask a minimum $5 love offering to cover the cost of the room rental and other expenses related to holding class.
Q: How should I prepare for coming to Monday Night Meditation?
A: No preparation is needed. Come as you are. Many people are tired after working all day, and they just come and lie down, receive energy and feel recharged by the end of the evening.
Q: What if I don't meditate, or have a certain spiritual practice?
A: It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you come with an open mind.
Q: Do I need to sign up in advance?
A: No, just come when you want to or feel the need for support.
Q: Is it safe?
A: Yes, our Monday gatherings are the safest place to be! We are enveloped in an energetic vortex that creates the veil between the dimensions to be very thin. In this way we can experience Presence more tangibly, receive energetic healing, physical healing, emotional clearing, and Guidance that we may not be able to receive on our own. The space is held for us by a group of Ascended and living Masters that are working with me and through me.

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